My name is Luke Keeler and I grew up in the beautiful state of North Carolina in the United States of America! I love to travel and experience new cultures and see the absolute stunning beauty of this world! My love for travel started when I was a child and my parents took me to visit my family that lives in England. From the first time hearing accents to seeing the beautiful centuries old structures of individual homes and buildings mixed in with the modern architecture of today, I was fascinated with traveling and the differences between cultures.

While attending Berea College in Kentucky I was fortunate to have the opportunity to continue experiencing different cultures at this small liberal arts college as the school has international students from over 62 different countries. Studying with these international students and learning about their cultures through the International Student Cosmopolitan Club only intensified my desire to study abroad and through the help of Berea College, I was able to study abroad in England, Brazil, Peru, Spain, Denmark and Mexico. The fantastic thing about studying abroad is the ability to immerse yourself in the culture of that country and stay with host families! Even though I was able to experience those new cultures for a summer or semester, it still felt like I was just visiting them and not fully living in them.

Having that desire to live in a culture and experience it, instead of just visiting it guided me to the next chapter in my life where I joined the United States Peace Corps and served as a Rural Health Sanitation Education Specialist in a very rural village in the northern part of Paraguay called Peguajho Loma for two years. It was one of the best experiences of my life where I was able to serve my country in the spirit of creating peace on earth. When I finished my service in Paraguay I decided to travel throughout Central and South America before returning home and I’m so thankful I took the time to do it! When I started the Peace Corps the internet was just becoming more user friendly so I had planned to create a travel blog, but unfortunately never got around to it because of the lack of internet access throughout Paraguay at the time.

When I returned to the United States, I told myself I was going to start a travel blog, but still never did. Finally, 10 years after I first moved to Paraguay I have finally started my travel blog! I have called it Treasures Of Traveling because of all the treasures you get from experiencing other cultures! From the treasure of memories to the treasure of photos, all of which I plan to share here on the blog!