Jones County held their COVID-19 Vaccination Drive Through Clinic at their Civic Center over the past six months. Check out their drive through clinic from a few drone photos from above.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Public Health!
Last week the World Health Organization congratulated New Zealand for successfully fighting COVID-19 through proper “testing, isolating and tracing contacts!” The USA doesn’t need to be congratulated because the cases keep increasing! What happened in the United States?

Happy PRIDE: Remembering LGBTQ History!
The world has completely changed due to COVID-19 and that includes the lack of Pride celebrations throughout the summer Pride months, but you can still have Pride in yourself and educate others about LGBTQ history! Take some time to learn by watching two Netflix documentaries focusing on the transgender community.

Black Lives Matter Murals In Raleigh!
Take a look at the variety of different Black Lives Matter murals located throughout downtown Raleigh, created after the death of George Floyd. The local artists who created them have a powerful message to share about how black lives matter, the importance of having your voice heard and expressing the desire for justice and equal protection under the law.

End Racism Now!
We must end racism and be anti racist! So many people think we ended racism during the civil rights movement, but that’s not true. We still have a lot of systemic racism built into so many of society’s institutions. We have a lot of work to do to turn these injustices around. Talk to others and vote for politicians who will change the laws for equality because Black Lives Matter.