The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Public Health in New Zealand vs the United States
Last week the World Health Organization (WHO) congratulated New Zealand for successfully fighting COVID-19 within their country through “testing, isolating and treating cases and tracing contacts!” This is fantastic news because they have had no new infections in weeks! New Zealand is just one of the dozen countries that does need to be congratulated by the World Health Organization for successfully fighting COVID-19!
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Public Health in the United States
There is definitely no need to congratulate the United States of America because we have done an awful job at reducing the virus. There has been a complete failure because of the lack of US leadership from the beginning of the pandemic. Trump has done nothing to prevent the spread of the disease and no trace of truthful information regarding this virus has ever escaped from his mouth. From false information that the virus would just disappear, to taking hydroxychloroquine, which can actually kill people who shouldn’t be taking it, this incorrect information is dangerous. He even had the incredible audacity to tell people to ingest/inject bleach to kill the virus. Just compare the action from New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, as shown in the video below, to Trump’s inaction.

The World Health Organization Congratulating New Zealand for successfully fighting COVID-19
Congratulations, New Zealand 🇳🇿 for successfully fighting COVID-19 with testing, isolating and treating cases and tracing contacts!
This is in line with WHO’s guidance available to countries.
Posted by World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Protecting American Citizens during COVID-19
Protecting American citizens is one of the responsibilities of the American Government, but instead Trump has made Public Health and public health officials enemies while at the same time making public health a political issue. Leaders should lead by example and do something as simple as wear a mask to demonstrate the effectiveness and the simplicity of helping to protect others, while reducing the spread of this virus. This is a respiratory infection that is easily spread through the air, yet we have a leader that doesn’t believe in science and also doesn’t care about all the citizens of this country. It’s very simple for all of us to protect each other by washing our hands, wearing a mask and social distancing from each other by at least six feet, but instead Trump has made this pandemic political. COVID-19 is currently surging around the country, specifically in the south and western parts of the county. The US has 4% of the world’s population but 25% of its coronavirus cases. This is what happens when you have a President hostile towards science.

Leadership during COVID-19
Leadership starts from the top leader of every country, and Trump is the only world leader that calls COVID-19 the Kung Flu or the China Virus. Most leaders in developed nations have COVID-19 under control because they have stable leaders who tell the truth and listen to public health officials. Science information changes daily because we gain new scientific knowledge everyday as we learn more about new infections or diseases that appear in our environment. This pandemic may have originated in China but it is raging out of control in the USA due to Trump’s incompetence and lack of leadership skills. Let’s call this disease what it truly is, the Trump Virus. COVID-19 cases in Canada are down 82% from their peak. COVID-19 cases in Italy are down 97% from their peak. COVID-19 cases in New Zealand are down 100% from their peak, but the Coronavirus Pandemic in the USA is higher than ever and out of control. This has been the largest number of Americans that have been killed since World War II.

The Trump Virus or COVID-19
The Trump Virus is what happens when you do nothing during a pandemic, but scoff at testing, belittle scientific health officials, hold political hate rallies, tell falsehoods and make Public Health a political enemy. Now that almost 3.3 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 and more than 135,000 people in the United States have died, this definitely should be called the Trump Virus because of the incompetent leadership that is Donald Trump. Don’t let any of Trump’s talk, whether about Supreme Court hoaxes involving his finances and tax evasion schemes, to his rhetoric about confederate flags and the removal of statues, which he does to try and divide the country; distract you from the fact that because of his gross negligence and catastrophic stupidity, the Trump Virus has killed over 135,000 Americans.

Hopefully within a year, COVID-19 and the Trump Presidency will be over, as we will have a vaccine and a new president. COVID-19 is a deadly virus, but the real Trump Virus that has been circulating in this country over the past 4 to 5 years is more dangerous and harder to treat than the coronavirus because those infected display the following symptoms: participation in discrimination, inability to think rationally, devotion to a pathological liar and refusal to accept facts or truths.

Public Health and COVID-19
Public Health is not an enemy and should not be made political because the whole role of public health is to improve the health of the entire community. It’s time for us to listen to public health officials and stop the spread of COVID-19 by increasing testing capabilities, isolating the individuals who test positive and complete contact tracing to quarantine the individuals who have been exposed to the virus.

The world has completely changed due to COVID-19 and that includes the lack of Pride festivals celebrating LGBTQ history and transgender rights throughout the summer months, along with the death of George Floyd, that mobilized a large section of the American population to protest racial inequality throughout the United States. Many murals were created to increase awareness about the Black Lives Matter protests and the importance for our society to End Racism Now. View many of those Black Lives Matter Mural artwork throughout Raleigh and the giant End Racism Now mural painted in large yellow letters across West Martin Street in downtown Raleigh.
Check out the map below to see where Raleigh, NC is located!
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